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Doctor Strange Director teases location scouting in London


Social Media is a big presence for directors and actors these days. Bryan Singer and David Ayer have made good use of Twitter and Instagram to promote X-Men and Suicide Squad respectively, and now it seems it’sĀ Scott Derrickson’s turn to introduce fans to the mystical side of Marvel’s cinematic universe.

Doctor Strange is set to begin filming in London soon and to that end, Derrickson tweeted out a photo of himself and his crew location scouting along the Thames river.




The Thames is London’s historic river that runs past many major landmarks, such as the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament. Rumours circulated recently that Rachel McAdams had been courted for a ‘lead female role’ by Marvel. It was also mentioned that the movie they wished to introduce her in was next year’s Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange will release November 4th, 2016. For more movie, TV and gaming news stick right here on TiCGN!

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