Just when we think we have had enough epic Halo 5: Guardians news, well more comes our way. Earlier today some new information from someone who had supposedly played a recent build of the game and has chosen to share what info they have:
- Incineration Cannon is back and has changed compared to Halo 4. Players can charge up a shot and the longer you charge, the more powerful it is. Battery based rather than ammo based.
- Railgun is back from Halo 4 and works almost identically – could hold up to 11 shots
- Overshield was present had some weird screen effect when you picked it up – looked like a bug
- Boltshot is back but doesn’t work like halo 4 – no shotgun fire mode. fires two shots at once and sort of tracks players
- Suppressor is back and fires a lot slower
- Blue outline on weapons was in the build
- Killcams were disabled in the build, could spectate players while you were dead
- BR [Battle Rifle] spread was near-gone – fired so fast
- Spartan chatter was reduced hugely, less pointless call outs
- Pistol RoF [Rate of Fire] is modified to be slower but is a lot more powerful – competes with AR and BR
- Ground pound is harder to use, radius is tiny
Along with the post, the user also shared some screenshots apparently captured during playing the game test: